Moves to Sport a Crop Top

Crop tops are back in fashion. It’s time to dig up all those crop tops lying at the back of your closet. We all might not be in tip top shape to sport them this summer after all the binging we did this winter. But not to worry as there is nothing that a few weeks of exercise and diet control cannot contain.

Here are 4 moves that will help you unleash your abs fast and sport a crop top:

Leg Raises

1. Leg Raises are the moves that bust the fat in the abdomen area.
2. Lie on the floor with your palms facing downwards and under your glutes.
3. Keep legs straight and slowly raise them, taking great care not to strain your back.
4. You can add ankle weight to your feet to increase the resistance and gain more muscle.
5. Raise your legs to 45 degree angle, hold for a few seconds and then bring back to position. You can even raise your legs at a 90 degree angle. But the lesser the angle, the more it lets your abs work.
6. Repeat the move 15 times.

Short sprints

Take short sprints that are run as fast as you can for a short distance of about 100 meters. Take several short sprints, till your body cries out that it can’t deal with anymore.

Sexy Swivel

1. Lie on the floor and raise your legs to a 90 degree position.
Place your hands on your head.
2. Keep legs straight and slowly raise them, taking great care not to strain your back.
3. You can add ankle weight to your feet to increase the resistance and gain more muscle.
4. Raise your legs to 45 degree angle, hold for a few seconds and then bring back to position. You can even raise your legs at a 90 degree angle. But the lesser the angle, the more it lets your abs work.
5. Repeat the move 15 times.

Short sprints:Take short sprints that are run as fast as you can for a short distance of about 100 meters. Take several short sprints, till your body cries out that it can’t deal with anymore.

6 Foods that Flush Out Nicotine

Smokers have a lot of Nicotine present in their body. Even years after they kick the habit, the nicotine might still be lingering in their body. Millions of people die due to smoking and smoking related diseases every year and the nicotine present in it might have a huge role to play in it. The problem with Nicotine is that it immediately enters the blood stream and pollutes out blood and it also the main reason that makes smoking so addictive.

But have no fear there are some foods that research has proved that can flush out the nicotine from out body and reserve the damaging effects it may have caused.

Water :I am never fed up of telling everyone that water is good for their body. It is a gift from god to cure us of a zillion ailments and diseases. Hydrating your body and flushing out the toxins is the best and fastest way to go about releasing toxins from the body.

Spinach :Folic acid is said to fight the toxins, especially nicotine, so do include them in your diet to not only benefit from the vitamins and minerals but also by having the spinach to flush out the nicotine.

Kiwi :When you smoke the levels of Vitamin A, C and E are reduced. Restore them by munching on some chopped kiwi.

Carrot :Carrot contains a lot of Vitamin K, A, C and B which has proved to flush out nicotine. So a glass of carrot juice a day might help you wash out all those chemicals present in your body.

Orange :Orange juice will not only refresh your body and improve its metabolism but also cleanse it of the nicotine.

9 Reasons to Get Better Sleep

Getting ones daily required dose of sleep should not be taken lightly. As much as a leisurely activity it might seem, it is important to sleep for your body to function as it optimally should. The increased usage of android phones and other electronic devices have led to us keeping awake till the wee hours of the morning, nothing excluding the social life that we lead these days. Most adults are not getting the prescribed amount of better sleep that they should be getting in a day.

Here are 9 reasons that will make you want to sleep more:

You are more productive at work :Lack of sleep makes your cognitive skills not work properly due to which you will not be able to concentrate on anything and perform regular functions that you normally do. Research has proved that people who slept well performed better than those who skipped their basic sleeping hours.

You look better :Dark circles under the eye are often associated with lack of sleep. Sleep is required to renew the cells that are tired and old. So the lack of sleep is going to make you seem unattractive due to the dark circles, puffy eyes and even the pale complexion.

You are alert and have better reflex :When you sleep well, you give time to rest your body after its daily activities and even renew and regenerate the old cells. The body that gets its rest makes it more alert and helps avoid accidents and other hazards, especially on the road.

You do not suffer as much from weight issues :When you are starved for sleep you tend to overweight and feel tired all the time, mistaking the fatigue as hunger pangs. The other problem that arises due to lack of sleep is the fact of not being able to exercise or be physically active due to tiredness that comes with sleeping at odd hours.

You do not fall sick as often :A good night’s rest keeps our immune system in top shape. So if you get proper rest it will be less likely that you will fall sick and catch the sniffles this winter.

You won’t feel so terrible to wake up in mornings :When your body get used to sleeping early and waking up early, it gets into a routine. And when your body gets adequate sleep you won’t feel so terrible about waking up.

You suffer from less stress :When you are not rested you tend to start thinking negative and become pessimistic. Research has proved that people who got a good night rest were merrier and thought out problems calmly instead of stressing over it and entertaining negative thoughts.

4 Ways to Detox with Water

Water naturally on its own detoxes our body of the impurities and toxins present in it. To be in the best of health it might be a good idea to detox your body once in a while. There are certain natural ingredients that detox our body and flush out all the toxins and when you pair them with water, there is nothing like it.

So enjoy the detoxifying benefits of water along with these other detoxifying ingredients that you add to a pitcher of water and leave to soak overnight for the flavors to sink in:

Lemon :Lemon helps in detoxifying your body. Simply squeeze a lemon to a glass of water and drink up. You can even add slices of lemon into a pitcher full of lemon water. The lemon juice will cleanse and alkalize your body.

Ginger :Ginger is a spicy root that is perfect to settle stomach issues. Simply grate a piece of ginger to your glass of water or add a paste of ground ginger to your water to cleanse your stomach and even aid your digestive system.

Mint : Cucumber is not just to cover your eyes when you apply a face pack. Not only does it have cooling properties but it also keeps the body hydrated.

So add grated cucumber or squeezed cucumber to your water and sooth your digestive system or stomach and even reduce any inflammation that you may have. To make a detox solution with all the above ingredients, add a few sprigs of mint, a few slices of cucumber, a spoonful of grated ginger and thinly sliced lemon to a pitcher of cold water and let it rest overnight.

Supplements Men Need To Take Daily

There can be nothing that can replace a good diet. But there are very few people who eat a perfect diet or very few people who manage to absorb all of the consumed vitamins or minerals. It is in these conditions that supplements come in handy. They provide our body with all the nutrients or any singled out nutrients that we miss when we consume out food. As a matter of fact some people do believe in the concept of taking supplements, they think that it’s all meant for people who work out and want to add mass to their body.

But here are a few supplements men need to include in their diet on a daily basis, especially if they fail to include vitamin and mineral rich food in their diet:

Fish Oil :Omeaga-3 is an essential to maintain the levels of good cholesterol and even maintain your metabolism rates and absorption of vitamins from foods. So if you are not eating seafood at least once a week, it might be a good idea to supplement your diet with fish oil so that you enjoy the health benefits of Omega-3 present in fish.

Vitamin D :What seems to have becomes a lifestyle disease is affecting at least one third of the population today. Unless you want to suffer from depression, weight gain, muscle aches and low bone density that are the common symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency, then it might be a good idea to have a capsule that contain Vitamin D. But again, nothing can beat getting the natural form of Vitamin D, which is sun exposure.

Multivitamin : This is like adash of goodness added to one’s daily diet. You might not know what your body consumes more, so why not have a little dash of everything. But if you wish, you can choose to buy multivitamins that have a little extra of a particular vitamin or mineral. For example if you have the tendency to stay indoors a lot, you can buy one that has higher Vitamin D in it.

Folic Acid :Folic Acid is not only important for women. Men also need it to keep their blood flow properly regulated, especially in the heart and it also reduces the risk of developing heart disease.

Probiotics :Most of us take this form of microbe nutrition lightly and not give it the due importance that it deserves. This good bacterium is good to maintain good health as it promotes weight loss, gives us a strong immune system, helps in the absorption Vitamin D and even promotes a good digestion process.

Whey Protein Powder :This is not a supplement but men consider this to be one of the most important ones, especially those who work out. This whey protein powder is packed with essential vitamins, minerals and of course the protein, that can be whipped in shakes and act as a great after workout snack. It aids in weight loss and encourages the growth of lean body mass in the body.